BAHN publishes an annual journal, the Brethren Historical Review, which carries history articles, book reviews, and the occasional obituary.

The current issue contains:
- Donald Tinder, ‘Movements Like the Brethren: Denominationalism and the Rise of Nondenominationalism
- Max S. Weremchuk, ‘Dating Darby’s The Notion of a Clergyman’
- Timothy C.F. Stunt, ‘Some Late Nineteenth-Century Military Brethren’
- D.. H. Akenson, ‘Counting the People with No Name. The Uses and Limits of the US Censuses’
- Branko Bjelajac, ‘James William Wiles (1877–1950): Serving the Bible in Serbia and Southeast Europe’
- Michael Schneider, ‘New Writing on Brethren History’
Read Previous Articles
A number of articles from previous issues of the Brethren Historical Review archive are available here.
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