Brethren and the Church

Prominent in any study of the Church and the Brethren movement has been the story of the search for primitive biblical practice that led some to insist that they had discovered the one pure model. The first section of this book examines influential individuals such as J. N. Darby and George Müller, while the second […]

Bible and Theology in the Brethren

The papers collected in this book of essays are an introduction to some of the ways in which Bible and theology have been understood and used within the Brethren movement. The heart of the book is a series of chapters on individuals such as S. P. Tregelles, George Müller, William Kelly, F. F. Bruce, and […]

Culture, Spirituality, and the Brethren

‘It is impossible to understand the patterns of theological and ecclesiastical change without attention to the cultural context’, writes Professor David Bebbington in this book. The Brethren movement has often been associated with a hostile attitude to culture, but the chapters in this book also show that statements about the relationship of the movement to […]

Brethren and Mission

Chapters in this book discuss the work and thought of its pioneer missionary, Anthony Norris Groves, as well as other aspects of missiology important for Brethren mission. Other essays move throughout the world’s continents and trace aspects of the history of Brethren mission. They deal with themes that have come to prominence in recent writing […]